Saturday, December 31, 2011
Highlights Of My 2011
the last day of the year 2011.
In a few hours it's goodbye 2011 & hello 2012!
Thinking back, a lot had happened all through this year.
And because I can only remember so much, I'm only gonna list out a few that was really close to my heart.
I started my new job in the government sector in January.
Working office hours & only on weekdays is a real blessing after working in shifts for almost 3 years.
And in October, after we moved to a new office building, I finally have a room with my name on it.
Next year's resolution, work my ass off (more) & personalise my room. :)
I utilised my international passport twice this year.
I travelled to Bali, Indonesia with Anne & Bobet in June and to Yogyakarta and Bandung with my family in December.
Being able to travel abroad & experience other culture besides ours is a real eye opener to always be grateful that we have a place we truly belong to.
Next year's resolution, backpacking in Phuket & Europe. :)
I found love when I least expected.
For those who didn't get the memo, I was no longer single starting October. *blush*
My oh my, being in a relationship really is hard work especially for first timers like me.
Every day is a struggle in fighting temptations especially when u see each other every single day and feel so deeply for the other person.
I learnt that relationship is not always a bed of roses, there are misunderstandings & fights over the minutest things especially during that time of the month.
And I also learnt that I'm a real cry baby despite the tough exterior I portray.
Next year's resolution, more love with less fighting and crying. :D
So besides those resolutions I stated earlier, I also hope to:
* update my blog more frequently than now (sorry guys)
* learn to cook (yes, I still suck in the kitchen)
* achieve my ideal weight of 50kg (that's 12kg to lose)
* buy a house
* settle down
Happy new year 2012 everyone!
Hope next year rocks much more than this year!
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I'm back!
My number : 1020.
Number now : 1002.
Early but not early enough.
18 people beat me to it.
Better than yesterday though.
I got here at 7.45 & people were already queueing outside the door to take their numbers.
Waited 15 minutes for the number & another 3 hours to renew my passport.
Alone. And hungry. And my bb died on me.
Not sure whether the service was slow or that's the fastest they can do.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Friday, September 16, 2011
Tweet tweet
Thanks dude.
U really made my (my sister's & my mum's) day.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Monday, August 29, 2011
Maybe because I still have my room lights on because the outside light just can't stop flickering.
Maybe because I had some shut eye before I took a late shower just now.
Maybe because I'm waiting for someone to be online for me to talk to because I feel so alone.
Maybe because I'm excited that Hari Raya might fall tomorrow.
Maybe because I refuse to sleep because I just like giving myself headaches & torturing myself.
Maybe because I don't wanna wake up and still feel miserable for no apparent reason.
It's 2.15 am and I really should get some sleep.
Will continue being miserable some other day.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I wanna take home a kid! (nope,it's not what u think)
Not until today.
I was a wee bit excited when my aunt asked whether I'd like to join her & without hesitation, I said yes.
Now the place is accessible by car, unlike before when my uncle & granduncle had to walk there to bring back something for us, me especially coz I just can't get enough of the sweet and juicy 'nangka Mastura' & fresh coconut juice.
I expected the trip was gonna take us throughout the village, over a few bridges when actually it only took us 5 mins.
Once we got there, the first thing that caught my eye was the goat pen.
Before we got there my aunt told me that we have a cute 1 week old kid (not a real kid, a baby goat that is) which is white with patches of brown on its head & I just had to see it.
And saw it I did!
With another kid which was as cute!
They are so cute I'm gonna die!
By the way, the billy in the other picture is their dad.
Now u know where they got their good looks from.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Should have played better. Sigh.
This time I got 10th place instead of 1st.
My scores: 122, 119 & 118.
Lousy right?
Must have been my worst game ever.
I admitted that I didn't go for practice & another most probable reason I wasn't at my best today is because I'm not really familiar with the lane there or should I say, we don't have much chemistry.
And I keep forgetting my steps, it's like my mind shut down without informing me first making me play like a first timer.
At least I won a lucky draw.
Another set of glassware!
PS: I turn 28 today! :)
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Can't wait for sunday!
Cause it's my 28th birthday!
For those who still have no idea what to get me later, here's a *cough* humble *cough* wishlist from me.
1. A good purse cause I desperately need one.
2. A good book cause I haven't read one in ages.
3. A good buttoned up shirt cause God has been too generous on one certain part of my body.
4. A good looking man cause I've been alone for too long! (just kidding)
I'm a wee bit excited about it, I don't know why.
Maybe because I'll be participating in a bowling tournament again on that day (wish me luck) and one of my besties, Hathsey is here to celebrate it together with the rest of the gang.
Til later, I'll be spending my last days as a 27 year old.
Time to mature up a bit.
Facelook. (Muka diat).
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Still in disbelief
He was 40.
He also worked in customs but in a different unit and had spent almost a year at the department I'm working now.
We weren't close but I sometimes saw him coming by & hanging out with the guys from our office while waiting for his wife.
Sometimes alone, sometimes with their two kids.
One an 8 year old, another a 7 year old.
Such adorable kids.
Then it hit me.
And I immediately had goosebumps.
The last time I saw him was yesterday evening, after work.
He drove right pass me on his way to pick up his wife.
He looked healthy, smiling like he always did.
It was really sudden & everyone was caught off guard.
Even the wife didn't know he had a heart problem.
But life is unpredictable.
We can be healthy one minute and not breathing another.
None of us know when our time will come.
My heart goes out to the wife, kids, and his family.
Hope they will stay strong for each other.
May his soul rest in peace.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I won! Not once nor twice but thrice! :)
Yes, u read that right.
I was in Bali, the island of the Gods.
For those eager to read about our trip I will be blogging about it later but now, I just have to blog about this one thing in particular.
*smiling from ear to ear*
I purposely took a flight home from KL on Saturday just so I could compete in my department's bowling tournament the next day.
Well, all I can say, it was worth it.
My team came out 1st in our department's category & 4th overall.
And guess who was the Best Bowler in the Women's Department Category and Women Open Category?
U guess it right, it was yours truly.
My scores: 149, 123 & 166.
Beating a few guys on the way.
*nostrils flaring*
If u guys are wondering what were the prizes, u can stop jumping up & down now cause I only got 2 sets of glasses, one set for each category.
And like my officemates put it, I don't have to worry about not having enough glasses for Hari Raya.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Monday, June 6, 2011
Counting hours to paradise
Homeless together with me are Anne & Bobet.
Actually we need to board an early flight tomorrow to Bali so in order to save on accommodation, decided to crash here instead.
I'm freaking tired & my head's pounding but I can't sleep.
Maybe because I've had some shut eye on our flight from home to here earlier or maybe because it's so damn bright in here.
It's an airport, it's supposed to be bright.
However, I need to force myself to get some rest cause we need to take a bus to LCCT before 7.30 (that's 5 hours from now) so til later readers, I'll update once we reach there in the afternoon.
Can't wait!
PS: sorry for disappearing from the blog radar for the last one month plus. I'm ok, nothing bad happened. I was just lazy. :p
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Day 17: How I hope my future would be like
Better daughter, friend, wife to a loving husband & mother to adorable children.
Maybe a few kilos lighter, with fairer & healthier complexion & in the pinkest of health.
And also in a better position career wise, where I can afford everything I want & provide more than enough for my family.
Able to jetset around the globe & do the things I always wanted to do.
In short, I hope I'd live long enough to see all these happen. :)
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Day 16: Short term goals for this month & why
Auntie Anne's pretzels, Krispy Kreme / JCo Doughnuts, Durian Pancake at MidValley, Red Velvet Cake at Just Heavenly, Spagetti Meatballs at Ikea, Tony Roma's famous ribs, Opera Cake at Godiva Chocolatier Pavilion and the list goes on.
Can't wait to add on the extra pounds!
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Monday, April 11, 2011
Day 15: Something I don't leave the house without
I'd be totally lost without it.
In short it's my security blanket.
Being a true wallpaper, I'm not comfortable when there's a lot of people in a room especially when there's no familiar faces so I turn to it for support.
I bbm / text my friends or surf to any website that comes to mind & pretend to be busy.
Or see (and stare) a cute guy and later pretend to text / on the phone when he looks back.
Another way it can be useful is when in awkward situations, I pretend to text thus steering clear of the topic.
I think I'm too attached to it already.
Way too attached maybe.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Day 14: A TV series I'm currently addicted to
That I'm addicted to that is.
Just the usual pleasure watch, nothing like dropping everything I do when a particular show is on / record it when I'm away.
Maybe because I don't spend much time in front of the TV anymore.
As a matter of fact, I really don't.
I'd be too tired to laze in the living room & usually just go straight to bed on weeknights.
On weekends, I'd usually be out the whole day & come home late so there won't be any TV watching too.
And my living room feeling like a sauna doesn't help either.
But maybe when a really good series come up I might sacrifice 30 or an hour of my time to watch it.
So any suggestions that's worth watching?
Thanks to u, I might be a couch potato again.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Day 13: A picture of my favourite band or artist
I think they are musical geniuses.
Even their names are cool.
Fergie, will.I.Am, Taboo &
They all have their individual music projects but I like them better in a group.
And right now I just can't get enough with their latest single Just Can't Get Enough.
Love Fergie's part.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Friday, April 8, 2011
Day 12: My current relationship
There's this guy I met online 4 years ago, we hit it off immediately & right up til now we try to chat / talk / skype as much as we could, at least once a week.
Why am I still with this guy who's miles away from me & in a different timezone when there's a lot of other guys over here, locally?
And why would I trust someone I never met?
Because I don't, not entirely.
And because I can't find someone here quite like him.
I tried opening up my heart to others but I always end up comparing them to him & they fall short everytime.
He understands me so well that sometimes I felt like I've known him all my life.
When we skype, he knows what exactly I was thinking just from my body language, even when a smile was plastered on my face.
He's brutally honest, he doesn't sugarcoat his words but I don't mind all that cause most of the things he said is true.
I can ask him anything & he'll answer all my questions even the silly ones.
I can share & tell him all sorts of stuff & he listens to everything that I have to say.
He's articulate but never self-absorbed.
He says sorry whenever he's at fault.
He says the magic words usually at times I least expect & I like that.
In all, he makes me feel comfortable just being myself.
Last year we had a huge fight but he kept coming back & because we still care very much for each other, we decided to give it another try.
I'd be lying if I said I don't expect anything from this but I try as much as not to put my hopes up too high.
At the meantime, I'm just hoping for the best while preparing for the worst.
And because there's no strings attached (yet), I can still ogle & flirt around right?
Now where did I put that men's magazine?
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Day 11: A photo of my favourite memory
I totally forgot about it!
I remembered transferring this photo to my bb and that was it.
I had serious mental blackout that I didn't remember to make an entry about it.
Yes, I am forgetful to that extreme sometimes.
And I digressed yet again.
This photo was taken 2 years ago at Manukan Island, Sabah.
It was my first trip to Sabah with my closest friends: Juzz, Bobet, Fieza, AP & Awg Mu.
Also my first time snorkelling.
I don't (ok, I can't) swim so it was a little terrifying at first.
I spent most of my time closer to the beach, dipping only my head with my behind poking out like an ostrich.
But went I saw my friends having so much fun, I gathered what's left of my courage & just did it.
I went a little further into the sea & I dived.
Totally submerged, I looked straight ahead to where the water got deeper and I shuddered a little cause it sure looked creepy down there.
It was dark and scary but at the same time really tempting.
And for a brief moment I felt something beckoning me further toward that mysterious place.
I thought I was the only one who had that strange feeling but Bobet experienced it too.
The others, not at all.
Maybe because we both can't swim so being underwater too long messed up our minds.
Even in shallow waters and with sufficient oxygen.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Day 10: A photo of my favourite place to eat
But why here when we have another two at Jln Tunku Rahman (near The Big Cats statue) & Batu Tiga which are much closer to home?
Here's why.
1) I love the space. My friends & I always choose the seats outside so that we can put 2 to 3 tables together & watch the people that pass by. We always keep out for funny looking people & laugh (we are that mean) but mostly for good looking pilots / stewards / fellow patrons. :p
2) No playground for kids, meaning no kids screaming while I'm enjoying my meal coz God knows how I can be when pushed to the edge especially when I'm hungry+annoyed. Even by small, adorable children. Grrr.
3) Ample parking space. I don't have to worry about not finding any coz there will be.
4) Even when I'm eating a large set of my favourite meal, either Spicy Chicken McDeluxe or Ayam Goreng McD or just Happy Meal, I always opted for Diet Coke instead of Regular and I can only get it here. Did I mention it has 0 calories? ;)
Oh man, now I'm hungry.
Spicy Chicken McDeluxe anyone?
PS: Pic was googled. Too lazy to use my own camera to take pics. :D
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Day 9: A photo of item(s) I last purchased
Note to self: Don't go shopping with girlfriends who is similarly crazy about shopping & can convince u that everything will look good on u even if they don't.
But I only have myself to blame.
Cause I just can't say no to pretty things.
So these are the last items I purchased.
A digital camera & a perfume.
I am so eating instant noodle til payday.
PS: Thanking Google for the pics.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Monday, April 4, 2011
Day 8: My Dream Wedding
I used to not really care much about weddings.
I was more engrossed into the concept of proposals.
The idea of being asked ur hand in marriage by someone u love while he was on one knee with a huge ass diamond ring is what excites me more than the wedding itself.
Maybe it's because I only want a small, intimate wedding.
But don't be fooled, just because it's small doesn't mean it won't be expensive!
Because as I get older & more demanding, more ideas came up.
I know who & what I want to make it memorable.
I'd like only my close friends & family to be present.
Both for the solemnization ceremony & the reception.
For the solemnization ceremony, I'd like to have it at a mosque & a small corner will be decorated a bit to fit my theme colour.
I'd be wearing something from Rizman Ruzaini ( coz I just love love love their designs.
Photography session will follow suit & pictures would be taken by none other than the great Anna Rina (
The reception will be held in a hotel.
Grand Waikikian by Hilton Grands Business Group.
In Hawaii!
Hey, it's my dream wedding remember? :D
I'll be wearing a wedding gown by Vera Wang.
Just like in the photo.
And I'll have the banquet hall to be styled to perfection by Datin Lynda Rahim of LyndaRahimKL ( & I'll be donning a few of her wedding dresses as well.
Once again, Anna Rina would be there as my official photographer.
The event would be hosted by Henry Golding.
Shania Twain would be flown from the US to sing our song, From This Moment.
And when the whole thing is done, the groom and I will be whisked away in a white Bentley New Continental GT to start our honeymoon.
How's that for a dream wedding?
Any takers?
PS: Pic was googled
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Day 7: A photo of an animal I'd like to keep as a pet
The perfect pet for a lazybum like me.
Or should I keep a sloth instead?
PS: Pic courtesy of google
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Day 6: A song to match my mood
I was leasuring in the living room listening to Mix Fm & the song came to air.
Definitely a long time since I last heard it & it sure match my mood now.
Not exactly a promise I make to someone but rather a promise I make to myself.
I promise to take much better care for myself, my health especially & save lots of money to travel.
Speaking of that, I really can't wait for June!
One of my besties is getting married on the 3rd & I'll be leaving Malaysia on the 6th.
Will be revealed much much later.
Ok, maybe a little hint.
Beautiful beach, surfer dudes, suntanning.
Must. Get. That. Bikini. Body.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Friday, April 1, 2011
Day 5: What makes me different from everyone else?
Silly I know but it's true right?
I don't have identical twins so I can proudly say u'll never find anyone who looks like me anywhere in the world.
Maybe a slight resemblance but never identical.
And the not so obvious that makes me different from everyone else is my extreme mood swing.
I can be jolly one minute and cranky another.
Sometimes I can laugh or cry for no apparent reason.
And it got worse during that time of the month.
Weird I know but that's just me.
Another thing is, I am such a klutz & I always do silly things.
Not intentionally of course.
Actually at the first place I thought it's a brilliant idea but later came back & bit me on my ass.
For example, for bb users, did u notice the Hide option when u select a certain image in ur folder?
When I first use my bb, that's one of the first few things I discovered so I gave it a try.
I put some of the pictures in my folder in Hide mode and surprise, surprise it was hidden forever!
I couldn't find it anywhere in any folder in my bb!
And those were pictures I like the most!
Just a few days ago, while eating lunch with Bobet, my chicken 'flew' out of my plate, knocking over my sambal bowl making it fall flat on the floor.
It made a loud sound for something so small & I can feel others' eyes piercing through me.
Just imagine my embarassment!
I once told a friend about all the silly stuff I've done & after laughing at me, he said I might fall of stuff, do the unthinkable, get all emotional out of the blue, forget & lose things but I should not be ashamed of all that coz that's what makes me, me & someone does love me despite all that.
And I melted right then & there.
But he's right.
So whenever my silly / klutz mode is on, I just remember what he said & laugh it off.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Day 4: My Favourite Photograph Of My Best Friend(s)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Day 3: My Perfect First Date
If I did that, it means I had skipped Day 3,4,5, 6 & 7 coz it's supposed to be Day 8's post!
Told u I was really looking forward for that.
Now, back to the topic.
Before I start, I'd like to mention that the date would be someone I like, not some random guy my friends set me up with.
And not a blind date coz I prefer to know how the guy looks like beforehand.
Yes, I am that superficial.
I believe that there's no such thing as a perfect date but my idea of the perfect date would be spending my time with the perfect guy (at least in my eyes) regardless of what we do coz just his company would make any dull day a great one.
Flowers, chocolates & watching the sunset would earn extra brownie points though.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Day 2: My Favourite Movie(s)
When I studied in Bangi, I used to take the KTM Komuter to Mid Valley / LRT to KLCC just so I can have my weekly fix of the movies.
Sometimes with friends but most of the time, alone.
I really enjoyed it coz sometimes i might wanna do a movie marathon, i don't have to fight about what movie to watch, settle for what i dislike & sulk throughout the movie when I wasn't in the mood to argue. .
I used to collect the ticket stubs from all the movie trips & at one point, it accumulated to almost rm500!
I have always feel that there's too many movies but too little time to watch them all.
And to choose a favourite is super duper hard.
So I list down a few of my all time favourites.
Once again, in random order.
1. Blood Diamond
I love Leonardo DiCaprio. I love all of his movies but this one in particular really left a huge impact on me. Til this day, everytime I think of purchasing or demanding for diamonds from my future husband, I'll make sure they're not blood diamonds.
2. The Green Mile
This movie was actually a book written by Stephen King of the same title. It has a lot of unexpected twists & turns that really made me glued to it. Truly an emotional rollercoaster ride watching this one.
3. The Butterfly Effect
Having Ashton Kutcher as the lead actor, I didn't expect much from this movie but boy, was I wrong. A must see!
4. The Hangover
I am guilty of watching this movie during work but in my defense, it was the weekend & work was slow so why waste precious time right? Must have been the second funniest movie I've ever watched, I just can't stop laughing. The second & third & fourth time I saw it, it still left me laughing in stitches.
5. Nacho Libre
The funniest movie ever! I still can't get over Jack Black singing Encarnacion in that blue tights. Epic!
6. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
During secondary school, my English teacher introduced my classmates & myself to Roald Dahl's books and I just love them. Imagine my excitement when the movie was released. I bought the DVD & I think I've seen it more than 20 times. And I love chocolate even more now.
7. Kung Fu Hustle
At first I thought it's just another silly movie that was supposed to be funny. But it was freaking hilarious! Watched it with Bobet & Awg Mu, I was sitting right in the middle. They both laughed so hard, myself included and that must have been my most memorable movie session ever.
8. Toy Story, Toy Story 2 & Toy Story 3
Critics alway say that the third installment of any sequels / trilogies is usually the downfall but Toy Story just keeps getting better. It made me laugh & it made me cry. It's no surprise that they brought home the Oscars for Best Animated Feature Film Of The Year last year.
9. Shutter (Thailand)
My favourite horror film. Enough said.
10. Bruce Almighty
I am a sucker for comedy. I just can't get enough of them especially if Jim Carrey's in it. Never fail to make me laugh over and over and over again.
11. I Love You, Man
Another comedy favourite. Paul Rudd is cute!
I have a few more but I think 11 should be enough.
Looking forward for tomorrow's post that is My Dream Wedding.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Monday, March 28, 2011
Day 1: My Favourite Song
So instead of mentioning one particular song, here's a list of all the songs that are close to my heart & have the biggest impact on me.
In random order. :)
1. Tanpa Kekasihku - Agnes Monica
Yes, I do listen to Malay / Indonesian songs too. I first heard of this song when Bobet sang it on one of our karaoke sessions and this may sound silly but my eyes watered listening to the lyrics. Just imagine the pain of losing a loved one, ur soulmate. :(
2. Tonight I'm Loving You - Enrique Iglesias
I am a sucker for dance & upbeat music aka clubbing songs because I always feel sexy & frisky listening to them. :p
3. If U're Not The One - Daniel Bedingfield
Once this song was released, I've always imagined someone special dedicating it me. And someone did. :)
4. Kiss From A Rose - Seal
This song was the soundtrack for Batman Forever. Didn't like the movie so much but loooove this song!
5. The Boy Is Mine - Brandy & Monica
I remembered doing a duet with a fellow blogger, Ahmoi Chantek at our dorm's ironing station & that was 13 years back. How time flies.
6. But I Do Love U - LeAnn Rimes
Soundtrack from Coyote Ugly. Favourite song after a favourite scene in the movie. :p
7. Cahaya Cinta - Dato' Siti Nurhaliza
She sang this song at her wedding & u can see the love and how she glowed. Makes me want to sing on my own wedding too. :)
8. I Love You - Barney The Purple T-Rex
This is a kids song but I sang this to someone, he actually enjoyed it & we ended singing it together! :D
I think 8 should be enough.
I'd list 100 songs but u'd throw up by the time I reach 50.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Are u up for the challenge? I am!
But because I am pathetic & I have too much time on my hands, I have tagged & challenged myself to The 30 Days Blog Post Challenge.
In this challenge I would make entries about myself in an effort to update this blog every day by shedding some light about my life to u guys so that if we ever meet outside of blogosphere we have something in common to talk about.
For the next 30 days, I will be blogging about almost everything: favourite song, favourite movie, my dream wedding (I was actually looking forward for this) etc.
Here's the full list.
Day 1 — Your favorite song
Day 2 — Your favorite movie
Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – What makes you different from everyone else?
Day 6 – A song to match your mood.
Day 7 – A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet.
Day 8 – Your dream wedding.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – A picture of your favorite memory
Day 12 – Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Day 13 – A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 – A TV show you're currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don't leave the house without.
Day 16 – Short term goals for this month and why
Day 17 – How you hope your future will be like.
Day 18 – 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex
Day 19 – A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – Who are you?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you want to go.
Day 27 – What kind of person attracts you?
Day 28 – In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days
If u feel like I sound a little (or a lot) over my head in, I apologize in advance coz sometimes I have blogging diarrhoea & I just typed whatever pleases me without much editing & start babbling about unrelated stuff & digress so much from the original topic.
Like right now.
Tomorrow would be Day 1 & it'll be on My Favourite Song.
Who knows we can exchange songs from our playlist next time?
PS: I'm tagging everyone who reads this. Yeah, u should have stopped reading when u had the chance.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Friday, March 11, 2011
put a smile on ur face :)
So I went to the post office yesterday during lunch hour to renew my driving license.
It was a mini post office & when I went inside, the place was already packed.
I took a number, it was 1235 & I looked up at the running number on the screen: 1219.
My heart sank cause I didn’t expect to have to wait and to make things worse, all the seats were taken.
As I was about to head for the exit, a stranger tapped my shoulder & handed me a piece of paper.
No, the stranger wasn’t a cute guy & it didn’t have a name & phone number for me to call but something better.
It had the number 1227 on it, meaning I didn’t have to wait too long for my turn.
Yay! Thanks stranger!
And because I still have my own number with me, I decided to pay the good deed forward.
After 5 minutes, I found myself a seat and started scanning for people I felt would be the most deserving.
At first I noticed my neighbor’s son and we exchanged smiles.
Then my ex-schoolmate’s father entered but he didn’t notice me cause he went straight to the writing area.
Later , two colleagues of my best friend came in, the girl obviously saw me cause she walked pass me to get to her friend but she didn’t even look my way let alone smile (later I found out she is one of those people ‘yang lawa & rasa best’ or a snob).
After about 20 minutes of waiting, it was finally my turn.
So when I turned to head for the door, I decided to hand my number to my neighbor’s son.
He smiled.
Moral of the story: Ur smile might get u something even when u’re not expecting & being snobbish won’t get u anything. But in my case, I wasn’t smiling to the stranger when I got the number, maybe it’s just because I’m cute. :p
Thursday, March 10, 2011
i didn't forget, i just didn't remember
The only time I take out my driving license is when I was asked by a traffic officer or when I don’t feel like lugging my handbag around so I put it in my BB pouch along with my IC and some cash.
Yesterday I went to Pustaka after work with Fieza.
I admit I was traumatized from the whole gym experience but I still want to break a sweat so we did brisk walking instead.
Logically I didn’t bring along my handbag so when I got home and while putting my license & IC back inside my purse I just realized that my license had expired.
On the 19th of FEBRUARY!
I’ve been driving around town & coming home late with an expired license in my possession for the last few weeks!
Fortunately I didn’t get pull over by the authorities or I’ll be dead broke before the middle of the month.
I told my parents which was a huuuuuge mistake cause they started nagging and if they could have it their way, they’d order me to renew it right there and then.
So, I will be dragging my lazy derriere to the nearest post office during lunch hour today to renew the license.
Maybe I should renew for the next 50 years so I won’t have to bother about it anymore.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
i'm loving all things new
I have a new love in my life.
And this one would never leave or stop loving me.
Unless taken away from me.
Because this love comes in the form of a . . . .
I lost my Blackberry exactly 6 weeks back & since then, I have felt so lost.
I couldn’t blog on the go.
I couldn’t check my Facebook account every 5 minutes.
I couldn’t tell others my whereabouts from Foursquare.
I couldn’t chat with my friends using Blackberry Messenger (BBM) & Yahoo Messenger (YM).
I couldn’t check my emails (not that I’m that important but I like feeling that I am).
I couldn’t pretend I was busy texting someone when I walk past someone cute that I got so nervous I’m not sure what to do.
Basically, when I lost my BB, I lost my security blanket as well.
Friends keep telling me to purchase another one and I wanted to but deep down inside I was thinking, 'How if I lose the new one again? I’m still recovering from the current lost, I can’t bear losing another.'
Somehow I could relate to someone who lost love & terrified to start over with a new one.
With much deliberation which took me more than I month, I said what the hell, I’m getting myself a new one.
Shit happens, some things i have no control of and whatever will be will be.
So I got myself this, a little upgrade from the previous model I owned but my Blackberry Internet Service haven’t been activated yet so now it’s pretty much a bimbo phone instead of a smart phone.
Andddd I bought new trainers (it’s been in the boot of my car for a week).
I went to the gym last night with Fieza and after 2 months skipping it altogether, I felt like passing out & throwing up only after 20 minutes on the cycling machine. -____-“
After that I only managed to do 4 reps of squats with a dumbbell.
I am never skipping gym that long again. Never.
But I considered myself lucky compared to Fieza who really got it bad last night.
Her brother made her run on the treadmill The Biggest Loser style, alternating between slow & fast pace without stopping for 30 minutes.
When he told me it was my turn, I swear I felt like throwing up all over again.
My face turned super white and with that I was excused. Thank God!
Hopefully I’d get back my rhythm and wouldn’t feel too out of place next time I’m there.
Now that the gym has a fitness centre next door which offer yoga, dance and even poco-poco, it’d be great to try out new things.
And if the weather permits, I might take a jog or brisk walk at the park at Pustaka Negeri after work.
Working out & people watching.
Sounds good to me.
our (very) short stay in KL
This post is long overdue but what the heck, I just feel like sharing. J
I went to KL with Bobet for the weekend (25/2-27/2) and it was awesome!
We boarded the last flight from Kuching and arrived around 1 am at KLIA.
And because we were such cheapskates, we decided to play homeless there.
We only had 2 hours of sleep because it was uncomfortable (I still have insect bites on my back), freaking cold & there was this one lady who talked loudly on the phone at the wee hours in the morning.
Who does that? Tell me.
Bobet even thought that she was actually listening to a drama played on the airport’s PA system.
I would have found that funny if I didn’t think the same. -__-“
Being homeless is hard and I have so much respect for those who do it.
Later around 5 am we went for prayer & a place to have some breakfast.
We settled at this one place named Asian Food or something like that & we had hot milo, a plate of fried mihoon & a little sambal.
For RM16!
We shared and I can see other people staring at us possibly pitying us for not being able to afford a meal each but we’d rather share than being ripped off in broad daylight thankyouverymuch.
The next morning, we boarded the 8 am bus to KL Sentral and we took the chance to get some beauty sleep & recharge for what we know would be a very long & tiring day.
But, our beauty sleep was cut short because the bus driver just couldn’t stop yapping.
He went on and on and on and on and he was so loud, the whole bus could hear him.
We were ready to pull our hairs out when the bus finally arrived at KL Sentral in exactly an hour.
If it weren’t for the noise pollution, they would have got two thumbs up from us for service.
And because we could only check in at the hotel at 2 pm, we decided to go somewhere to kill the time.
We left our bags in a locker at KL Sentral and headed straight to Jalan TAR & Sogo.
Well not exactly, we had breakfast first at Subway (at CIMB tower) & I’m loving the sandwich so much I’m keeping my fingers crossed for them to open a franchise here in Kuching.
*Did u know they are the biggest restaurant chain in the world surpassing McDonald's? if u don't, now u do. More about it here.
I admit, we didn’t shower but I swear we smelled nice & like I always tell Bobet, if u don’t tell, people won’t know.
We bought chandelier shawls & put-on hijabs for friends & family at home.
I did buy some for myself just in case I have an epiphany in the near future. ;)
Entering Sogo during a warehouse sale on a weekend when most people had just got paid would be a huge mistake but Bobet & I did it anyways.
We bought shirts for the guys in our family and that’s it.
There were too many people, too many things that we couldn’t think straight and just grab the first things we saw & got the hell out of there.
We checked in at My Hotel @ Sentral around 2.30pm & freshened up cause we had a date with Hathsey later at Pavilion.
The hotel is strategically located, less than 10 mins walk from KL Sentral and KL Sentral Monorail Station.
I say less cause I didn’t have a stopwatch to time it. :p
For room rate starting from RM98 per night, it was a delightful experience for us & we’re definitely coming back when we visit KL next time (except for the faulty kettle but we were too exhausted to care).
We met up with Hathsey at Pavilion & we grabbed late lunch at Grandmama’s Restaurant (we had to cause he got agitated that we couldn’t decide on where to eat. Sorry hon. :)
We had Chicken Mushroom Rice & Kedondong Juice (I forgot the name in English). There wasn’t much to choose from anyway & it was nice.
It had to be nice cause it cost me RM25 for both.
We parted ways around 7.30pm cause he had a previous engagement but not before we camwhored.
Instead of heading straight to the hotel, we went to Mid Valley instead cause we haven’t finished shopping for souvenirs for our family back home.
Unrelated to the entry but have u ever noticed that we usually spend a lot more on souvenirs for others instead of stuffs for ourselves?
Just saying.
Back to topic, I almost bought a very cute outfit for Andika if it wasn’t for the sales assistant who I feel deserved the most annoying sales assistant ever award at Jusco Mid Valley.
She followed me around like a lost puppy and every time I picked up something that I like & put it back, she rushed to fold it so that it’ll look like it was never touched by anyone but her.
Inside, I was like, “Be cool, sister! I ain’t messing with your man, they’re just clothes.” (I blamed Luan for this).
And for someone who worked face to face with customers, she didn’t smile but instead made a celaka face.
The first time, I can take it.
The second time, ok, fine.
The third time, maybe she’s obsessive compulsive or something.
The fourth time was the last straw for me.
I was in the middle of deciding & choosing GODDAMMIT.
So I left the place, got to where Bobet was & told her everything so we cursed her together.
Evil us.
We checked off the stuffs from our to-buy-list and we moved so fast around the mall just in time for it to close.
We were very exhausted we practically dragged ourselves to the hotel & once we got there, our feet felt like jelly that we melted onto the floor, laughing and telling each other that we were getting too old for this kind of stuff.
Nonetheless, we had fun & we’re definitely gonna do it again (despite feeling a little worn out this time around).
Fieza, next time u’re coming with us but there won’t be room for complaints k? ;)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I’ve always wanted to try SKII since my uni days but back then (even with my PTPTN loan) it’s way beyond my budget.
Now when I am finally in a stable job (and with some extra cash) I decided to purchase the SKII Pitera Essence Trial Set.
The whole set is actually worth RM296 but they got it on promotion for RM199.
It’s a bit pricey & I usually spend that much on 2 month supply of toiletries.
So in my defense, I’m going on 28 for heaven’s sake.
It’s about time I start getting (more) serious about my looks.
The set consists of a 75ml Facial Treatment Essence, a 40ml Facial Treatment Lotion, a piece of Facial Treatment Mask & 30 pieces of cotton pad.
I have been using it for a week now and so far, result is very satisfactory.
My large pores look smaller.
My freckles fade.
My skin is much smoother , firmer & less oily.
My skin tone is lighter & more radiant.
My makeup stays longer after application.
Before, I won’t look at myself for more than a minute in the mirror but now, u can call me a narcissist and I’d be glad to admit it.
It does work wonders for me.
Definitely the best skincare investment decision I have ever made.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
luan legacy
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
do i look that maternal? really?
Friday, January 21, 2011
a week of unfortunate events
Monday, January 17, 2011
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
I still remember that day, I was out with my friends when my mom called, asking me to come home.
My dad was already at the hospital taking care of him.
At that time he had been there for almost 2 weeks.
On our way there, I had a disturbing feeling that something was wrong.
Somehow I knew that something bad had happened.
It was raining heavily & it felt like forever for us (my mom, sister & myself) to get there.
Once there, we saw a few nurses hurdled around his bed.
Thinking they were just doing routine check up, I took a seat nearby & did my own thing.
Then, mom who went up to check on him, slowly walked toward me & my sister.
She was calm when she said 'your brother's gone' without a tear in her eyes that for a second there, I thought she was joking.
My sis & I looked at each other, still in disbelief but finally the reality dawned on us when we looked at his lifeless body on the hospital bed.
My brother passed away & I wasn't there to say my goodbye.
I was crying so hard I only managed to send text messages to my families & friends.
When they called back, I was talking in between sobs with tears streaming down my face.
Then I managed to calm down when I saw my parents, thinking I should stay strong for them but later cried again while I drove back home alone in the rain.
Truth to be told, my brother and I, we didn't get along very well.
We once did before he started being 'sick.'
He was a good looking, soft spoken, intelligent guy.
He played in the school band, he was a prefect, loved by everyone & the future seem so bright for him.
Until 1993 when he started to change.
He wasn't himself most of the time, claimed he's seeing & hearing things.
His health deteriorated but after undergoing both modern & traditional treatments, he was a little better.
His weight yoyo-ed between anorexic thin to morbidly obese which later became the cause of his death: he was diabetic.
His actions was also the same.
One time he was calm, another, enraged & erupted like volcano.
With him, it's like living with a ticking time bomb.
He acted violently sometimes at the parents, my sister & myself.
Even tried committed suicide but thank God he failed.
Life was definitely hard when he was around.
And through out the years we've grown further & further apart.
But as much as I hoped that I had a different brother & when I said I hated him to his face, I was hating the person he had become because of that one person who made him that way.
I know that deep down inside he's still the same brother that I once knew & loved.
That's why I still feel the guilt of not visiting him as much as I could during his stay at the hospital & for not being there by his side when he took his last breath.
Even though it's been a year, sometimes I still feel like u're still here with us.
That u're just sleeping in ur room upstairs or out to town with dad just like u always did.
Hopefully u're doing great where u are now & don't worry we all doing just fine here.
I want to apologize for all the hurtful things I've said to u & I'm also sorry for not being a good sister who should have understood ur condition.
I'm sorry.
Until we meet again, our prayers is always with u.
Al Fatihah.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Thursday, January 13, 2011
U wanna know what it is?
The mentally torturing wait is finally over.
I'll be stationed here in home sweet home, Kuching!
Actually at the very place I wrongly came to report duty on my first day last week on Monday.
Even the man I met that day still remembers me as the freshie who got lost.
At the moment, work haven't officially started so I'm still in the process of learning the nature of work of the department I'm placed in.
Did I mention I'm going to have my own room?
And I was also given a whole set of stationaries.
I'm loving this work already.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
For once, I'm not blaming hormones
One minute, I feel like running over someone over and over again.
Another, I feel like crying so hard til my tears dry out.
At first I think I'm just PMS-ing but come to think about it, it's actually because of a few things happening and not happening the way I want them to be.
1. I'm coming down with a fever. AGAIN! There's a burning sensation everytime I swallow something (even saliva) & that totally sucks!
2. I still don't know where I'll be stationed at. It's the same answer EVERY SINGLE DAY since last week that I just stopped asking. Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? Whatever. Won't make a difference anymore.
3. I was ignored by someone I was really looking forward to talk to. And he didn't even leave me an offline message. Would it kill u to do just that? Bottomline is, I don't like being ignored. Doesn't matter who the person is.
4. I'm well aware that i'm gaining weight but so far, am not doing anything about it. I hate looking at my reflection in the mirror lately but I just can't stop stuffing my face & I despise that feeling. How do I expect someone to love what they see when me, myself is loathing it?
Phew, that's a relief.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, I'm feeling a wee bit better.
I'm off for a shower & thinking of hitting the sack early tonight. Hopefully when I wake up I won't feel as crappy as I do now.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Monday, January 10, 2011
Rezeki day
First and foremost, my day started with Fieza, Juz, AP & myself attending our friend, Ziza's Majlis Cukur Jambul for her son, Adli Ilyas Hanafi.
We got there just in time to be ushered to the banquet table & the dishes served were marvelous!
My tight fitting kurung moden didn't stop me from having seconds of pretty much everything!
Before we left, we were each given a goodie box that consisted of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies look-and-taste-a-like & a few yummy chocolates.
Later, Fieza & I watched Meet The Parents: Little Fockers.
Unrelated to the topic but just felt like sharing what I thought about the movie.
A good laugh but wasn't as funny as the first & second installments.
I enjoyed myself though, unlike watching The Tourist.
If it wasn't for Angelina Jolie, Johny Depp, Paul Bethany & the breathtaking views of Venice and Paris, I would have excused myself out of the cinema 30 minutes into the movie.
Huge, huge, huge disappointment.
Back to the topic, later in the evening I went to my former office for a bbq with my former colleagues.
We had chicken wings, sausages, corn on cob, potatoes, tiramisu cake, fried meehoon, honey dew, pizza & orange sprite as refreshments.
There were also karaoke, lucky draws & the game of musical chair.
Fyi, it was my first time playing musical chair in 27 years & I was sweating buckets!
I didn't win though but I definitely had fun (most probably for fearing of hurting myself coz these people really play to win).
My former office has a tradition of giving away a parting gift for those leaving the company & tonight I got myself a metallic gray hobo bag from MNG.
(Thanks you guys! I looooove it!)
Anddddd I also won a lucky draw tonight!
It was a cute coinbox, a small replica of a red, England mailbox (can see one in Mr Bean the series if u noticed) which is so cute!
I am so putting it on my new desk so that I will always be reminded of all the good times spent with them.
That's not all, each one of us also received a small token of appreciation which is a keychain with our name & the company name on it, along with a few gold coins chocolate.
I just love those!
Love it so much I wolfed down all four at one sitting.
At the moment, I can swear I look like a freaking python after that much eating.
For someone who should have been consuming 1200 - 2000 calories per day, I managed to double that.
Maybe triple.
But in my defence, there's no way I'm turning down 'rezeki.'
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Friday, January 7, 2011
Freaky friday
Yikes, I know.
But it didn't bleed because somehow the entrapment didn't manage to cut me & the blood was still trapped under the skin leaving an impression of a swollen red dot right in the middle of my left ring finger.
I thought about poking it with a sharp pin or something to let the blood out but then I imagined when I did just that, it's gonna be like one scene from a horror movie.
Blood spurting all over the place, all gory & disgusting & I'll be screaming my lungs out.
But that's just me, someone with real wild & sometimes unrealistic & over the top imaginations.
So maybe I would do just that.
On second thought, let my sis or aunt do it so if anything gory happens, they'll be the ones with blood on them, not me.
Orrrrrr let a good looking vampire suck on it.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Where did u guys celebrate?
I welcomed 2011 together with Bobet & her family because my parents went for their second honeymoon (nah, just kidding) overseas leaving me behind.
They're still in Chiang Mai & man, I should have come with if only I had mentioned earlier to my brother that I was between jobs.
Today is my third day at my new workplace.
So far so good but I'd say my first day would be my worst.
I was late because I went to the wrong office to report duty.
So much for a great first impression.
At the moment I'm still at HQ basically doing nothing but waiting to be informed on where we will be stationed at.
Yes, I was wrong when I thought I'd be posted here.
But as much as I'm hoping I won't be leaving home, I'm mentally preparing myself to accept whatever decisions from my superior.
Enough about work.
Remember my so called determination to lose 14kg in 3 months?
I rose to the challenge but failed miserably.
I did lose a few kilos but later yoyoed back to where I started.
*covers face in shame*
My resolutions for this year?
Come to think of it, it's the same as last year's.
Hopefully this year would treat me nicer, more happiness, more love, more wealth, more prosperity & I quote pakdukun, more 'ong'!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone