i had used it from the first time i was introduced to the technology & i never looked back since.
stolen back in university. my very first handphone. i still curse the perpetrator to date.
borrowed from my brother cause i can't afford to buy a new one back then.
still functioning but outmoded. misplaced it somewhere.
my sister lent it to me. i like it ‘cause it glows in the dark.
bought with my PTPTN loan
my first ever slide phone.

Nokia 3120 classic
currently using, right up til now
i've been loyal cause Nokia has a way with me. can't really explain it but lets just say, what we have is special. and I don’t have the heart to look the other way.
now i have another reason to love the brand even more.

and it’s touch screen! gotta love it!
Apple lovers gonna hate me for saying this but iphone falls short compared to this baby.
and i quote Daniel Ionescu-PC World (3rd October 2008);
"...apparently, you get so much more for your money than with an iPhone"
"For the iPhone, you know the drill: iTunes Music Store, $0.99 a pop. Being able to download as many songs as they want, for free, seems to be a great selling point for the 5800, especially for those who are on a lower budget."
"Nokia's 5800 Express Music also features a 3.2-megapixel camera, with autofocus Carl Zeiss optics and a dual LED flash. All these blow iPhone's 2006 style 2-megapixel-no flash camera out of the water. Also, Tube records videos at VGA quality (640X480px) and has a frontal camera for video calls, something that the iPhone can't do at all."
"Storage capacity-wise, the 5800 and iPhone seems to be on the par. Tube comes with an 8GB memory card and supports up to 16GB cards. Still, the Tube can have a slight advantage for those who want more than the given storage capacity, as they can buy additional memory cards and just pop them in the phone (iPhone's memory is built in and cannot be expanded)."
"GPS, Wi-Fi and a 3.5mm jack so you can plug in any headphone you like. But as an added extra, 5800 will support Adobe Flash from the start, something that iPhone is still lacking, so the Web browsing experience might even be better than Apple's."
no one could say it better than someone who knows the drill about technology.
i can't help it. i am so getting it! :)
12 hands in the air:
yerRrr..nang semua mobile la nak niru I-Phone nektok ekeke..
Well, apapa pun.. both Nokia or I-Phone ada kelebihannya masing2. If di suruh milih antara I-Phone and Nokia tok tek, I will still prefer I-Phone. Reason: I don't like Symbian XD
semua phone baru sa ku mok beli arum bulak...semua tang kac kac jak upa
kacak na upa nokia ya za?harus jadi hp geng.hehhe
yup,cant deny it.niru but making it better.much better.
tp yalah,kita suma ada preferences dirikpun so cant blame u for not liking symbian & dont resent me for putting it in my wishlist.ati dah suka tek nak,org melarang gne2 pun xkan nengar juak..;)
yalah kan?after cgek,cgek gik yg kacak klua.n they get better each & everytime.mun meli nektok takut ada yg better gik klua & rugi coma2.tp apa pun,aku tetap dah head over heels with this phone.oh oh..
ada kita duak diat kat hopoh ria time register no baru fatin.tp ktk x perasan rasa mek.kmk jk yg suk kedirik & feeling sorang2.pathetic.haha..
ku make hp touch screen nek tok z. p hp china..hihi..pat nga tv kat opis.
nang stail hp ya.ujung mggu mekorg neman ko meli.:)
hp kau nang sama abis ngan lynn.k ngga tv ka ngga nak lain ya? ;p
ne pat dibeli dolok ya,juz.1.5k reganya.bekikis bulu betis lok aku mun nak meli ujong minggu tok juak.mintak k hantaran klak jak la.yerr..;)
bulu betis jak ka..bulu lain ada juak ba...lak ku nulong..ko mok apa, bikini wax berkikisan?
yoh..ayat aku, sikda censored..ok..
brani x try polah bikini wax ya?
aku ingin tp takut sakit gilak2.
mesti alu ngeraong & abis waxer ya ditigak & diterajang.haha..
yalah, aku takut aku alu menyeringai keluar aek mata sik dpt berkata apa2 gik dah kotan disentap bikini wax..omg, sikpat ku imejin..hahaha.. licin nang licin tapiiiiii azab kenak zrapppppp!!! oh oh sikpalah, i'll just stick to the traditional method jak lah..apakah..
btw, first phone ku marek, nokia nak ada signal kat tgh2 palak phone. alu bagey u-know-what jak upa..hahaha, nonetheless, it was useful :)
yalah,x juak ku betah nyeksa dirik gia juak for the sake of beauty.gkpun ehem2 ada mdh juak,nya x kesah regardless how it looks.with or without.oh oh..;p
aok,ingat ku hp ya.even rupa nya pelek gik juak mek org adore & admire coz kira hip & happening bila ada hp time gik skolah.o tedah jaik ati kita dolok o.haha..
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