Monday, June 6, 2011

Counting hours to paradise

It's 2.25 in the morning and I'm blogging live from a bench in KLIA.
Homeless together with me are Anne & Bobet.
Actually we need to board an early flight tomorrow to Bali so in order to save on accommodation, decided to crash here instead.
I'm freaking tired & my head's pounding but I can't sleep.
Maybe because I've had some shut eye on our flight from home to here earlier or maybe because it's so damn bright in here.
It's an airport, it's supposed to be bright.
However, I need to force myself to get some rest cause we need to take a bus to LCCT before 7.30 (that's 5 hours from now) so til later readers, I'll update once we reach there in the afternoon.
Can't wait!

PS: sorry for disappearing from the blog radar for the last one month plus. I'm ok, nothing bad happened. I was just lazy. :p

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0 hands in the air: