Tuesday, May 22, 2012

a month ago my status changed :)

the groom

the bride

the bffs minus bobet :(

the sister

the last walk downstairs as a single woman :p

before the solemnization (me trying to look pretty while having cramps)

the solemnization in progress

alhamdulillah with just one lafaz

handing of the mas kahwin from groom to bride

look, i have a ring on my fourth finger! :p

both holding in laughter :D

my favourite moment :)


why so serious sayang? :D

that's more like it :)

i got married to the love of my life on the 21st April 2012.

it's been a month yesterday.

and i have never been happier & in love.

hopefully for many years more until Jannah.



p.s : moments beautifully captured by the guys of SwkPixel.
check out their facebook page here.