Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So long, farewell. It's time to say goodbye.

I'd be leaving on a jetplane (as if!) yet again later today.
Destination: Kuala Lumpur.
Can't wait!
Eventhough celebrating Hari Raya away from home doesn't sound like the most exciting thing to others but it is for me.
Because no matter where u are, as long as u have ur family close (especially all 6 of my nephews & nieces whom I miss terribly!) any dull occasion would be a blast!
And freaking awesome!
(I just love the word awesome, I can say it all day). :D
Really looking forward to do a bit of shopping (Pavillion here I come!), eat til I can't eat no more, babysitting my nephews & nieces (practice makes perfect) & maybe, maybe earn some angpau raya (keeping fingers crossed).
Til later updates from the city I miss so much, take care everyone especially u.
Yes, u. The one's reading this.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

5 hands in the air:

Faizal n Fashitah said...

okeh..bait2 beraya di tempat urg nun. mun makei keta, boh lupak masang seatbelt. mun tido mlm, boh lupak cuci kaki.slamat hari raya maap zahir batin! XD

Ida BorneoLove said...

for a change beraya jaoh.. best juak. Take care & selamat hari raya! xoxoxo

AmirFX said...

Selamat Beraya d tempat org.. Wasehhh... Ada duit raya ka?! Cross finger juaklah... haha..

f.i.e.z.a said...

sapa laaaaaa neman mek raya tok?raya 3 lak awg mu molah open house sapa neman amek?
suka merik tekanan aiseh

boh lupak auntie anne's, burger king n gardenia kmk aaa

ztie said...

selamat hari raya~ ssemoga happy2 jak d cnun