Sunday, October 21, 2012

f is for fitness

Today we had our second fitness test.
The first was on 8/9, more than 6 weeks ago.
The main objective was to measure our fitness level and how much we've improved / worsened on the second test.
A few aspects were taken into account but I'd just pinpoint those which I think matters.
I gained 2kg so now I'm 65kg instead of 63kg.
I increased inches on my waist from 83cm to 88cm.
Darn it.
No thanks to our caterer who serves us curry, masak lemak, masak kicap alternately from the first day we're here.
And no thanks to myself who doesn't work out on my on time.

We also did a 2.4km run.
For me it was more like 2.4km stroll.
Previously my time was 22.23 minutes, today it was 22.55.
0.32 minutes late.

Overall I think I've improved cause in other areas, I did quite well.
Fyi, I frog jumped as far as 173cm.
Eventhough that's not exactly something to be proud of but the skill might come in handy when entertaining Andika or future children.

We also did physiological test to determine our body's age.
I have the body of a 55 year old.

I know that in order for me to conceive, I should start watching what I eat & work out more.
But for me to work out more, I should start working out first.
Will be meeting hubby in 3 weeks so there's still time for stamina improvement.
Watch out sayang!

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

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