Tuesday, October 21, 2008

i don't feel so good :(

today i had to take a day off from work. diarrhoea & vomitting. must be the worst combination ever! i refuse to take any meds though coz i don't like to be dependent on them. the only reason i go to the clinic is to get my sick leave. that's it. but no worries, i'm recovering as we speak. a day's rest is enough for me.

ps: no pics on this entry, i look horrible with my pale face & out-of-bed hair (shivers!)

6 hands in the air:

Anonymous said...

dear ayang,
mkn la ubat ya..mun dah dairia susah sik mkn ubat.lemah bdn ko klak.btw,get well soon baby..(ada byi ray sik?)


Felicia F. Ramzi said...

mun sik maok mam meds, drink lots of fluid. It'll help to cleanse and wash away the toxic inside your body aight. Get well soon!

n i e z a said...

::juzz:: aku minum aek & makan cam biasa jak.nektok pun dah ok skit.mun x ok,ne nak lepak di mcd airport nak?haha..

dah ray ngga video diantar aku ya.he likes it but he wants more.nya mdh mok diat aku in real time,not just in videos.mun mok real mena,bagus nya dtg ctok jak.mena x?huhu..

n i e z a said...

::lynn:: dah aku minum aek byk2 & makan cam biasa.now im stronger.oyeah! :)

ps:ada hikmah though aku sakit ritok,alu nganta video ngn ray thru tokbox.he viewed & replied wif a sweet email.oh oh..

dariagraphy said...

omg who's ray?

wiwit za. sweet flirtations. yummeh

n i e z a said...

::daria:: oo,u didnt know bout ray rite?lak la aku plh entry dedicated for him.oh oh..