Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's been 2 years

Dearest Abang,

It's been 2 years since u left us.
Wait, let me rephrase that.
It's been 2 years since u were called by God because for us, u never left.
A lot had happened within these 2 years.

Andika is now 1 year & 9 months, a very hyper toddler whose hobbies include slapping us senseless & throwing tantrums (and random things) at us.

It's been my first anniversary working in customs 2 weeks ago.
Eventhough it's been a year but I still have a lot to learn & a long way to go.
Wish me luck ok bang?

I found love & u would never guess the place we first met.
We went jogging today cause he was worried that I've been putting on weight & he wants me to be healthy, that's how thoughtful he is.
We have our good days & bad days like other couples but one thing's for sure, I have never been happier.

The walls in our living room is longer blue.
Ina & myself took matters into our own hands last Ramadhan & painted the walls with warm hues.
We even have a feature wall now, that's how cool we are.
We also have family potraits hanging on our walls now since everyone was here during Hari Raya last year.
Everyone except for u.

Mum had been pestering me to sleep in ur room.
She even bought a whole new bedroom set in her attempt to tempt me.
It just feels wrong to take over ur room, ur private space.
But come to think of it, the room had been vacant for far too long.
Not to worry though, one day I will occupy ur room as my 'bilik pengantin' before we move to our own house.

I think I have updated enough.
Hope I didn't bore u or anything.
I'll update more when things got even more interesting.
May u always rest in peace.
Al Fatihah.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

1 hands in the air:

The Geek Goddess said...


I heard bunyi kompang kambing soon ;)