Saturday, July 4, 2009

i dont feel so good.. :(

i m feeling so not pretty at the moment.
more like disgusted with myself.
i dont usually feel this way but if u're in my shoes, u'd understand.
as of writing, while one hand slowly typing away, the other is scratching parts of my body incessantly.
because of this thing called HIVES.
it's also known as nettle rash, wheal & urticaria.
local folks will refer it to as 'kenak kemeh pontianak.'
it's a skin rash notable for being red, raised, swollen and itchy.
i mean VEEEEERY itchy!
just imagine having it spread all over your body, u cant even make urself look into the mirror. let alone others.
for visual, click here
kinda glad im not married coz wouldnt want poor hubby to be traumatized by this ugly side of mine.

5 hands in the air:

AmirFX said...

Uishhh... Nang sik best kenak benda cemya... Makin2 kenak jerumut.. Dahla asa gatal.. Badan gik panas.. Nway, sabar jak... Sakit dtg sbnrnya pakei muang dosa kita...

n i e z a said...

nang x best ko, mala tegaruk2 jak kmk. dh kedak kerak dh tok. tp yalah, mena kata ktk. ada hikmah nya jadi. dpt juak ngurang dosa kmk yg banyak tok. huhu..

Ida BorneoLove said...

dah agak doktor kah?? Mkn pun maok jaga, try avoid red meat and eat more more fruits & veges. Fish also bagus

n i e z a said...

dah, kak ida. dh berubat cara kmpg juak kmk. setauk kmk, kmk xda alergik ngan apa2 yalah eran tang ada pandei kenak indah ko.

Felicia F. Ramzi said...

get well soon ok..alu sik bertemu kita minggu tok tek..aku busy juak, bukan busy kerja, tapi busy jadi fine weekend kelak lah ho