Monday, April 26, 2010

enlighten me please

i have a question.
what does it mean if u dream about snakes?
never happened to me before.
until last night.

but they weren't the usual small, slithering kind.
in fact they were enormous, Loch Ness monster like, gliding on water in a huge lake.
they were 4 of them, with different colors & distinct patterns on their scales.
they were gliding away from me, towards the opposite direction.
is it a bad omen or a good sign?
i'm not superstitious, just curious.

3 hands in the air:

AmirFX said...

Ngekot firasat Pak Dukun, ktk mungkin akan kenak gigit leh Edward Cullen.. Bisanya gigitan ya kelak kedak ktk asa makan beger Big Mac jak... Aaa.. Sekda kaitan alu jak.. haha... Nway, ktk boleh rujuk ngn buku Firasat Mimpi d MPH bookstore...

SEN said...

sampey 4 org owh mok kawin dgn ktk..meriah juak ya eheh..

juzz said...

4org jajaka berebut ngn kau ya za.:))