Saturday, February 7, 2009

heart wins

for those who wonder what my heart & head are fighting over,
here's a little hint.
imagine u have finally found The One,
u feel so strongly for the other person & the feeling is mutual.
the only problem is, u two can't be together under some circumstances.
should u stay in that relationship that's going nowhere but u know u're the happiest with that person?
or let each other go & try to move on but be miserable for the rest of your life?

i've given it much thought and this time, i'm listening to my heart.

sorry head, emotions prevail over logic.
i know every decision i make will have its own ripple effects.
i have no clue as what will happen next.
but i'm ready for any outcome that comes with this decision.
i'm hoping for the best but i'm also prepared for the worst.
even if things don't work out like i hoped, i'll know that i've given my whole heart into it.
that i've loved eventhough i lost.
i wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life haunted with 'what ifs' & 'if onlys.'
wishing i have done this instead of that.
regretting for not doing what i really wanted just because it's the right thing to do.
in life, tears will be shed & hearts will be broken.
no doubt about that.
but i can always turn to God for strength.
this is my life & i will choose how it should be.
and i choose to be happy.
at least for now.

5 hands in the air:

Felicia F. Ramzi said...

i really u are ok now..
i'll text you soon ..

Felicia F. Ramzi said...

really hope*

n i e z a said...

i really am ok. dont worry. aku xmok sedeh2 & down gik, wont be good for us. mok pk positif jak, law of attraction tek nak? :)

AmirFX said...

Kenak sedeh gilak??? Sapa kah yang ngaco hati ktk smp camtok ilak?? Padah mek... Kelak mek slap lembut... Pap!

n i e z a said...

that is so sweet of u..
xdala sapa2 yg nyakit kmk, just that situasi yg x mengizinkan. hope for the best k kmk k.. :)